Hello Angels, 

As we continue to see growth in our student population at St. Michael, we are fortunate to add a teacher and class to our school enrollment. As a result, please note that we have been provided direction from the School Board to reconfigure class placements in our junior division to be compliant with the regulations set out by the Ministry of Education. With the addition of a new class, classroom teachers will be better able to support all learners due to a decrease in class sizes. We know that change can be difficult, but we are fortunate for this new addition to our school.

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Samantha Decan who will be teaching Grade 6 at St. Michael! Samantha was a teacher here at St. Michael last school year and we are delighted to welcome her back!

As always, our staff takes great care in every child’s class placement and in our classroom reorganization. If your child was part of these adjustments they would have come home with a letter from the school yesterday indicating their new classroom. We are not in a position to take requests about placements.

Thank you for your understanding and support throughout this process. We will welcome students who are entering a new class on Thursday and support them as we settle into classrooms for the school year.

-St. Michael School Staff